May 9, 2012 - May 12, 2012 17:30
h 17:30 > Santa Maria Novella Railway Station area
Crossing Via Alamanni / Via Iacopo da Diacceto
h 18:30 > Historical centre
Crossing Via Panzani / Via del Giglio
GREEN LIGHT. 20 dancers for 100 street actions starts from the project of the Slovenian choreographer Mateja Bucar, that develops at Fabbrica Europa in an original creation involving 20 young Italian and Tuscan dancers. These performers, selected through an audition, will take part in a workshop that will lead to the creation of the site specific event.
Our daily movements are full of disruptions, stops, breaks, delays and re-starting. The moment of stopping can cause discomfort, because the flow of our movement has been arrested. It can also trigger tension since time has been wasted by stopping and starting all over again. But a disruption could be an opportunity for the emergence of something new. It might be the moment that gives us time for reflection. Disruption or the moment when we have to stop our motion opens an empty space between what was and what will happen and thus allows the reflection where we were and where we go. It thus also allows the possibility of a surprise.
But what happens if the surprise is not left to chance and is strictly planned instead? What if an artist decides to create an art work right in the empty space opened up by the disruption?
Green Light does exactly that. When the pedestrians on the street must stop at the sign of the red light and when the green light is activated again a surprise happens – instead of normal passing of the street, choreography appears and dancers pass the street in a carefully orchestrated way. Green light is usually perceived as a permission to move freely during the short time interval when we are unrestricted in our movement. But green light can also be taken as a permission to create, to provoke a surprise, to take the right to freely reinterpret this limited period time given by the green light.
The monotony of our stopping is thus changed by the shocking awareness that the empty space of street crossings and the time allowed by the green light has been reinterpreted. Suddenly something that was taken for granted is altered and our perception of what is permitted and what is prohibited is changing too.
Green light thus represents the enigmatic point of transgression within the limits of what is permitted and what is not. However, it also changes our perception of transgression. This is the quality of the real surprise – where the known becomes unknown and doors are opened for new reflections.