
May 13, 2012 17:00

Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT

Marathon of readings from texts by John Cage
curated by Caterina Poggesi
with the contribution of Letizia Renzini


I have nothing to say and I am saying it and that is poetry as I need it.
John Cage

If the figure of musician and composer John Cage remains fundamental in contemporary music and in many people’s imaginative world, his written production, in the form of essays, quotations, divertissement, philosophical reflections, conferences and much else as well, is less well known.

On the occasion of centenary of Cage’s birth, celebrated by Fabbrica Europa also with the project FOUR. A Night with John Cage, extracts of this conversational panorama will be presented to the public, in a free rendering in the piazza outside Stazione Leopolda.

An intimate sharing exposed to the sound contaminations of the environment, to the randomness of space, to the trajectories of events. In the exercise of listening and participation by the audience. A number of reciting voices are invited by Fosca, others may offer to participate spontaneously, with or without a pre-selected text.

The reading format is that reproposed by “Calvino Night_se una notte di fine estate un viaggiatore”, a literary tribute on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of Italo Calvino, live on NovaradioCittàFutura from the porch of the Auditorium Ex Fila in Florence, from 9 p.m. on September 18 to 9 a.m. on September 19 2010. Curated by Fosca, the idea of the literary marathon came from the radio experience “4’33’ tempo sospeso sulle arti della scena” by and with Nico Grotta and Carla Nicolai, broadcast from 2007 to 2010, devoted to the performing arts and triggered by the artistic and ethical interest evoked by the radio in the contemporary age.


The Fosca project aims to create spaces for investigation and reflection in contemporary culture, through creations within the sector of the performing and visual arts. Fosca does not wish to present a formation of people, rather a set of collaborations and experiences, in continual mutation among subjects, languages, territories and disciplinary fields. It is a mental space finding its expression in practical actions within artistic research and the study of the languages of our contemporary times, dealing transversally with culture, education, sociality and human sciences. Fosca is a reality of creation, production and artistic promotion of shows, laboratories, events, moments of study, exhibitions, publications and radio broadcasts.


Our thanks go to Carla Nicolai, Tempo Reale.










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