May 7, 2018 19:00

Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT

Also scheduled on
May 7, 2018 20:00 and 21:00
May 8, 2018 19:00, 20:00 and 23:00


A Fabbrica Europa’s production within Maggio Fiorentino


« Everyday in our life, we leave behind quite many marks, inadvertently: the foot prints on the path we walked, lipstick on the rim of the glass we drank from, or a snapshot imprinted in our mind when we brushed past someone or something on our way. These marks evoke thoughts about the persons who have been around, on things that existed or happened, of the time that has flitted pass.
For some of the marks, you might wish they would lead you to find yourself, or direct others to find you ».
Sang Jijia


Re-Mark is the site-specific creation of dance and multimedia by Chinese choreographer Sang Jijia. A first world performance, it opens this XXV edition of the Festival at the Stazione Leopolda.
Four years after the successful As If To Nothing put on in collaboration with the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, the choreographer comes back to Florence to work with eight young dancers selected for the occasion. As in the 2014 work, Jijia investigates the relationship between body, spatiality and memory through a project which is both strong yet refined and many-facetted in the languages it brings into play.
The live shots show the dancers from varying viewpoints and create a play of multiple perspectives at times glimpsed again in the choreography, with different sequences that are developed one alongside the other through a system of associations and gestural geographies, which turn from a single into a choral movement for the on-looker.

Re-Mark will officially open the City Contemporary Dance Festival in Hong Kong in November 2019.

Images are the way we usually use to select and take marks of real world. But when something is keeped, something else is lost.
Video side of Re-Mark works on this relationships between stage and screen, far from each other, where time and space are not linear anymore.
We leave some moments, come back to other ones, fix details mostly without order, trying to find and save for us some portions of truth.
Tommaso Arosio


Born in Gansu, Tibetan-Chinese Sang Jijia has been dancing and choreographing professionally since 1993, following his studies at the Music and Dance Department of the Central University for Nationalities in Beijing, China. He began his career as a dancer and choreographer with the Guangdong Modern Dance Company. In 1999, he left to join City Contemporary Dance Company of Hong Kong.
In 2002, Sang was selected by The Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative in its inaugural year to study choreography under William Forsythe in Germany. He continued with Ballett Frankfurt and later the Forsythe Company as assistant choreographer and dancer until 2006. He has been Resident Artist with Beijing Dance / LDTX.
His major works include  UnspeakableStanding Before Darkness, Layer Code for BeijingDance / LDTX; Sticks for Guangdong Modern Dance Company; As If To Nothing, Fragile Beauty, Post-perception/Transcendence for CCDC; Not Here/Not Ever for Carte Blanche, Pa|Ethos, coproduced by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, Fondazione Milano Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi, Spellbound Contemporary Ballet, Marche Teatro – Danza alle Muse, Bejing Dance Festival, Guangdong Dance Festival; As it were for Göteborg Opera, that premiered on last March.
He is currently choreographer at the CCDC in Hong Kong.


choreography: Sang Jijia
video direction: Tommaso Arosio
live music: Spartaco Cortesi
performed by Carolina Amoretti, Giovanfrancesco Giannini, Isabella Giustina, Claudia Mezzolla, Fabio Novembrini, Pietro Pireddu, Violeta Wulff Mena, Valentina Zappa
light design: Andrea Narese
costumes: Rebecca Ihle
video operators: Alessandro Di Fraia, Enrico Re, Giampaolo Marrocu
technical support: Alfea Cinematografica
recordings: Umi Carroy Niane (piano), Alice Chiari (cello)
production: Fondazione Fabbrica Europa
in co-production with City Contemporary Dance Company-Hong Kong*, The Dance Industry/Spellbound Contemporary Ballet, Versiliadanza
* City Contemporary Dance Company is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People’s Republic of China



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[photos: Marco Caselli Nirmal]
















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