Jari Boldrini | Stanza 1.5


November 4, 2019 - November 9, 2019 10:00

PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT

Jari Boldrini will be at PARC from November 4 to 9 for a residency during which he will work on Stanza 1.5, his new choreographic project.


In Stanza 1.5 I wear glasses with graduated lenses.
I tried to understand through movement how the body is influenced by a difficulty, by a distortion of the things I observe. Finding myself within this new status, I realized that body posture was the first thing to suffer, and consequently the movement. My structure therefore reacted to the surrounding space, which was distorted in my eyes. Then I focused on the reaction between eye and movement, between exterior and interior, between unknown and known and analyzed every single part of the body bringing attention to skeleton and body matter. I looked for ways to adapt my structure to a new space, asking myself if there where any and what could be the effects on the psychological attitude, given the possible condition of loss of control and necessary reset. The viewer does not see what I see and witnesses a reconstruction process in which imagination and memory play a fundamental role and are invited to perceive the process. The intent is to explore different conditions imposed by external elements, like in this case the lenses, which lead to a modification of the posture and have an effect on the birth and on the deep sense of the movement.
– Jari Boldrini –


After studying at the Centro di formazione Opus Ballet in Florence, Jari Boldrini began working as a dancer with Compagnia Virgilio Sieni Company, Fabrizio Favale’s Le Supplici, Thierry Smith’s Thor, Nelson Reguera, Cristina Kristal Rizzo, Letizia Renzini, Marina Giovannini and Stefano Questorio.
In 2014 he choreographed and interpreted the opera Vesalii Icones directed by Peter Maxwell for the Venice Biennale of Music. The following year, as part of the Stanze Segrete project, he presented Verso una visione caleidoscopica. In 2016 he created and interpreted the choreographies of RED Variations on a dance theme, a film by Jacopo Jenna.
In 2018, with Ultima Estate, he was a finalist in the Equilibrio award. Also in 2018 he created Divino per metà in the context of La Democrazia del corpo festival and Tiny space Costruzione per for the Nuovi cantieri culturali Isolotto project.
With eight other dancers he established the Stabile di Lì, a group working on artistic exchanges and sharing of practices.










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