September 9, 2022 18:00
Tiresias is outside the natural order, he is the soothsayer who embodied the male and female identity by including them in himself, and was punished by Hera with blindness for revealing that in the sexual act the woman enjoys more than man. In saying this truth he was among the first ones not to allow himself to be subjugated by a religious authority, among the first ones to combine the animus with the anima, to represent a restless group of voices screaming their age, gender, experiences differences. And “with her withered breasts he/she lives in the midst of small things”. (Roberto Staglianò)
The interpreter draws fake, made-up eyes on his lids. Her eyes are closed but her pupils are wide open to the world. It is not a blind dance, turned inward. The adherence of the gaze to the mask opens up a potential for movement where the body knows, arranges itself in space with delicacy and with deep knowledge of the present, complex and dense, complex and ethereal, made of everything. Thoughts, images, sensations, emotions, all together, without hierarchies. The gaze fixed on the fiction of time that opens up before us, what is vision?
TIRESIAS / before or after the events is the result of a workshop starting from choreographic practices on vision and clairvoyance, developed during the process of creating Kill Tiresias.