VIDEODANTE # India is a web performance series created by Instabili Vaganti in collaboration with the Indian classical dancer Anuradha Venkataraman and produced by the Italian Cultural Institute of New Delhi on the occasion of the celebration of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri.
The series explores in seven different episodes, as many as the days spent by the Poet on the otherworldly journey, the numerous connections between Dante’s work and Indian culture, both from an iconographic and a philosophical and theological point of view.
direction: Anna Dora Dorno
performers: Anna Dora Dorno, Anuradha Venkataraman e Nicola Pianzola
original music and sound editing: Riccardo Nanni – 7 Floor
video shooting: Anna Dora Dorno, Elia Andreotti, Ashwin Iyer, Vincenzo Lazzaro, Claudia Olivadese
video editing: Anna Dora Dorno, Nicola Pianzola
At 22.00
Anna Dora Dorno, Instabili Vaganti direction and performer
Nicola Pianzola, Instabili Vaganti performer
Anuradha Venkataraman, Bharatanatyam dancer (India)