CRISOL – creative processes


June 18, 2024 - June 30, 2024

Le Carré des Lombes and outdoor spaces Montréal | CA

After the activity held in Cuba, the CRISOL – creative processes project, financed by the Boarding Pass Plus program of the Ministry of Culture, continues with a new creation residency in Montreal coordinated by the partner Art Circulation.

The young Italian dancers Giulia Cannas, Rachele Montis and Nunzia Picciallo will work with the choreographer Danièle Desnoyers, director of the Le Carré des Lombes company, and the Canadian performers Châtelaine Côté-Rioux, Brontë Poiré-Prest, Myriam Arseneault, as part of the creative process Les Scénographies-Paysages.
Together they will give life to new forms of site-specific creation focused on exploring the artistic potential of rich and unique natural spaces: an approach that stems from desire to create in harmony with the environment, being inspired by the essence of the place and the people who live there.

The process will take place in two phases: the first phase will consist of a period of exploration in the studio in Montreal, marked by several visits to the performance space to immerse oneself in it; the second one will consist of an intensive period of rehearsals directly on site. During this presence, mediation projects will be developed and a dialogue with the local communities will be established.
At the end of this period of work, the results will be presented to the public on June 28 and 29.

This co-creation project is promoted by Art Circulation (Montréal) and Tersicorea (Cagliari), partners of CRISOL, with the collaboration of Le Carré des Lombes (Montréal)

In July, the project will continue in Italy with a new residency and performance presentations in Cagliari, Villacidro and Paulilatino (Sardinia), with the collaboration of FuoriMargine, FuoriMargine Centro di produzione di danza e arti performative della Sardegna.

A leading figure in Canadian dance, Danièle Desnoyers is artistic director of Le Carré des Lombes, a company founded in Montreal in 1989. Her repertoire, comprising some twenty works including Discordantia, Concerto grosso pour corps et surface métallique, Duos pour corps et instruments, Là où je vis, Dévorer le ciel, Paradoxe Mélodie and Unfold | 7 perspectives, bears witness to a practice deeply rooted in movement and a rich, ongoing dialogue between body language, music, sound and space. For over 30 years, her work, presented mainly on the Canadian and European stages, has been driven by encounters with many of Montreal’s most prominent collaborators and performers.
More recently, the choreographer has decompartmentalized her own discipline, creating numerous atypical projects such as the cycle Les Scénographies-Paysages, performed in natural environments. She also works on co-creations, including Montréal-Marrakech, as well as choreographic commissions, such as the one she created for the Italian company Aterballetto in 2022. Teaching and transmission are inseparable from Danièle Desnoyers’ artistic approach. Alongside her creative activities, this artist-pedagogue teaches at the dance department of the Université du Québec à Montréal of which she was director from 2019 to 2022, in addition to designing Compagnonnage research programs for creators, performers and choreographers.

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photo: Luc Sénécal










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