Freely inspired by Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth
Yet do I fear thy nature:
It is too full o’the milk of human kindness
To catch the nearest way. Thou wouldst be great,
Art not without ambition, but without
The illness should attend it. What thou wouldst high
That wouldst thou wouldst…
Hie thee hither
That I may pour my spirits in thine ear,
And chastise with the valour of my tongue
All that impedes thee from the golden round…
Once again, the underlying theme is the exploration of the condition of man and his nature, particularly, here, in terms of the problematic and exercise of power.
The sense of Shakespear’s tragedy is the transition from a fatal and magic sphere to the psychological and human. Like the witches, Lady Macbeth becomes a creature of the night and her identification with those beings, who seem the very breath of earth and air, incarnated in her own physical feminine presence, underscores the progressive transition from the metaphysical to the human.
The principal that governs the entire structure of Macbeth is “antithesis”.
The feminine explored here, embodies the creative and destructive nucleus of the passage of the events, the force which incites, transforms, exalts, condemns and arms, along a tragic path made of promises, potential, ambition, fear, guilt, blame, punishment and madness; all emerging from the wild ebb and flow of human conscience.
Simona Bucci
Simona Bucci has been the artistic director and choreographer of the company Imago, founded in Florence in 1983. Among her creations of that period: Prima, Crisalidi, Arco, Sine solo sileo, Ponti d’acqua, Au Contraire. In 2002 she founded the Compagnia Simona Bucci and created the solo Di ombre cerchiati gli occhi, commissioned by the Venice Biennale, which debuted at Teatro Fondamenta Nuove. In 2003 she presented the first study of Indissolubile eco, a duo inspired by the “Disparate Matrimonial” by Goya. In 2004 she was in Rome with Path, a solo dedicated to Alwin Nikolais, and Nik_lecture demonstration on Alwin Nikolais. In 2005 she made her debut in Civitanova Marche with I Rimasti winning the contest “Choreographer of Europe” and the Danza & Danza Award 2005 as the best Italian production. In 2007, the Venice Biennale commissioned the Company the choreography Arresi alla notte, presented at the V International Festival of Contemporary Dance in Venice. In 2009 she created the final version of Indissolubile eco, work began as a study in 2003. Since 2009 the company is resident at the Teatro degli Industri of Grosseto, where since 2010 it organizes the dance festival MO.MO.MA. Incontri inaspettati di danza. Boxville_ballata di cartone (2010), a tribute to Alwin Nikolais on the occasion of the centenary of his birth (1910-2010), is a creation dedicated to a young audience. Giuditta e Oloferne debuted at Teatro Cavallerizza of Reggio Emilia as part of “Aperto Festival 2011”.
The Company is supported by MiBACT – Dip. Spettacolo and Regione Toscana.
choreography: Simona Bucci
original music: Paki Zennaro
light design: Gabriele Termine
performed by: Eleonora Chiocchini, Sara Orselli, Françoise Parlanti,
Maria Eugenia Rivas Medina, Frida Vannini
co-production Festival Danza Estate di Bergamo; Festival Orizzonti di Chiusi
organization: Marika Errigo, Elisabetta Spadaro
promotion: Ilaria Baldo
with the support of: MiBACT, dip. dello spettacolo dal Vivo; Regione Toscana
[photo: Gabriele Termine]