Nostoi – Workshop in Populonia

March 28, 2015 - March 29, 2015 10:30

Parco Archeologico di Baratti e Populonia | IT

How can we transform the historical and archaeological data of a site into an experience for the visitor?
Nostoi is the first step of a journey in search of a model of “narrating archeology”.


A new experience to visit the archaeological sites, which are told through the languages of contemporary arts: that is Nostoi – Histoires de retours et d’exodes, a project of international cooperation between Italy, Tunisia and France, which aims to encourage the exchange between cultural operators of the Mediterranean basin mobility and dialogue among young artists, fostering the creation of shared projects.

In Greek, Nostoi means “returns”: the name is inspired by the epic cycle that tells the homecoming of the Greeks after the destruction of Troy, which the Odyssey and the journey of Odysseus to Ithaca belong to. The project, which combines science and performing arts, develops through two workshops of artistic residency, during which 30 Italian and Tunisian young artists, selected among hundreds of applicants, will work together for the first time, in Italy led by Greek director Michael Marmarinos and in Carthage Byrsa by Tunisian designer, painter and musician Kais Rostom.

The Italian workshop culminates in the Necropolis of San Cerbone, in the Archaeological Park of Baratti and Populonia, in the province of Piombino (LI). During the two days of visits, the history of the necropolis – one of the most important monuments of the Etruscan civilization, located at the foot of the hill where the city of Populonia rose up, known since antiquity for its intense metallurgical activity linked to the production of iron – will be revealed through the expression, the movement and the sound, creating a unique experience. According to the guiding principle of the project, the visitor, to really get in touch with the archaeological site, should put in place a “ritual”: thus, the performing arts will become the means by which it is possible to learn about the history of the site, transforming the visit in a dialogue with the place.


Coordinator of the project, which was launched in 2013, is Cooperativa Archeologia of Florence; partners are Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le arti contemporanee; the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of Marseille; the National Theatre of Tunis; the Agency for the Development and Promotion of Cultural Heritage (Amvppc). The project was selected for funding under the first call for standard projects launched by the European Union under the Neighbourhood Programme ENPI CBC Med.

Associated partners of the initiative are the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana (Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany); the University of Florence – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità “Giorgio Pasquali”; Laboratorio Nove; Theseum Ensemble and the Hellenic Centre of the International Theatre Institute of Athens. Moreover, Nostoi takes place in collaboration with Parchi Val di Cornia Spa and is included in the events of the Year of Archaeology 2015 of the Tuscany Region.

Technical partners: Omikron and Tempo Reale

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