Within the Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls project
Clara Storti, creator and director of the show, and Filippo Malerba, co-founder of Quattrox4, meet the public to talk about the birth and development of the LEONIA Circo delle Città invisibili project.
LEONIA is an itinerant and participatory performance that uses the contemporary circus to build a bridge between reality and utopia. 100 years after the birth of Italo Calvino, the compagnia Quattrox4 pays tribute to his Invisible Cities by building an artistic journey that leads the public to experience imagination, starting from his living, kaleidoscopic and visionary writing.
Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls is a project by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa focused on the themes of community, body, movement and virtual reality. The programme includes performance and workshop activities by Italian and international artists.
With the support of

photo: Monia Pavoni