within the Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls project
Concerto per pugile e live electronics is a project where music will be created in realtime using the beats and sound potentials of the equipment used during boxe training.
In 14 days at Accademia Pugilistica Fiorentina, musician and producer Niccolò Gonnella and researcher and dancer Alice Consigli will work with a group of young boxers to create music in surround sound. The sounds produced by training equipment during boxing will be subject to realtime electronic manipulations, meaning the boxers effectively become creators and performers.
This event is the result of a process of musical and performative composition that thrives on the study of boxing techniques and their context. Bringing the research inside the gym’s daily life has a profound meaning linked to the idea of developing a work which is specific to a space, mostly understood as a system of relations and everyday practices.
Concerto per pugile e live electronics, in its open and experimental features, stems from the tradition of live electronic music gigs, and from research that looks at the body as the place of embodied practices and potential for musical and performative creation.
Niccolò Gonnella graduated in Electronic Music from Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini of Florence, since then he has developed an experimental approach to music composition which is flown into a research that investigates the link between music and quantum mechanics. His interest in multimedia arts has brought him to the realization of film soundtrack and audio-visual works among which Flux_10 that was presented to the NYU New Music Ensemble of New York. His present work is focused on the study of alternative sound spatialization methods and their application in concerts.
Alice Consigli graduated in Philosophy from the University of Florence and in Sociology of Migration and Ethnic Studies from the University of Amsterdam. She studied contemporary dance at O.M.A. – Officina Movimento Arte and elaborates on the study of body practices that investigate the presence of body and space through the activation of meditative or perceptive dimensions. Since 2021 she curates PHYSALIA, a project that through the researching and mapping of artists, collectives and cultural spaces in Florence promotes the sharing of practices and knowledge on a multidisciplinary level and develops artistic research in the independent local scene.
a project by Niccolò Gonnella and Alice Consigli curated by Physalia
with Alessia Alinari, Cosimo Camiciottoli and Tommaso Fallani
computer music design: Alberto Gatti, Michael Nannini
sound director: Francesco Perissi
light design: Lucilla Baroni
costumes: Juliana De Nicola, Virginia Ottino
co-production: Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, Teatro Solare
in collaboration with Accademia Pugilistica Fiorentina
Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls is a project by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa aimed at activating some of the Florence peripheral contexts through performative actions at an international and local level that focus on the concepts of “body”, “sound”, “environment”,“community ”.
The project is part of

[photo: Sofia Fanfani]