CRISOL – creative processes


September 9, 2024 21:45

Artificerie Almagià Ravenna | IT

as part of Ammutinamenti – Festival di danza urbana e d’autore

El resto del Naufragio is a collaborative project between Italy, Spain and Cuba, developed within the CRISOL – creative processes project, coordinated by Fabbrica Europa.
This fusion between different cultures opens up new possibilities, contributing to a possible reinvention of tradition. The musician and composer Pino Basile starts from the anthropological context of the tarantella, merging and immersing himself in the context of traditional Cuban popular music, of which he explores the roots to reinterpret them in a contemporary key.
Roberto Olivan is a choreographer who questions himself, always trying to distinguish the difference between conventional and unconventional. A lover of creative risk, contrast and artistic transgression, he approaches them as a mechanism to take scenic languages beyond the established limits, rewriting new forms of expression. He uses the choreographic and aesthetic gesture as an emotional impulse of the performer’s inner world, always demanding maximum involvement.
In this creation he has worked with the young Cuban artists Chamely de la Caridad Hernández Baquet, dance, and Olber Viquillón Rodríguez, music.

CRISOL – creative processes is funded under the Boarding Pass Plus 2022/2023/2024 programme of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
This co-creation and production process is promoted by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, Asociación Hermanos Saiz (Cuba), ROPA / Roberto Olivan Performing Arts | L’Obrador Espacio de Creación (Spain), Danza Urbana (Italy) and Menhir (Italy), partners of CRISOL, with the support of Escena Patrimonio – GCPHE and Italian Cultural Institute in Madrid, and the collaboration of AECID – Embajada de España en La Habana, Red de Oficinas del Historiador y del Conservador de las Ciudades Patrimoniales de Cuba Habana Espacios Creativos, ATER Fondazione.

concept and choreography: Roberto Olivan
original musical composition: Pino Basile featuring Olber Viquillon Rodriguez
interpreted by Roberto Olivan and Chamely De La Caridad Hernandez Baquet
live music: Pino Basile
assistant: Martí Castellarnau
executive production: Nuria Marti
planning and coordination: Lorenzo Pappagallo

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