October 4, 2020 21:00
Teatro Studio Mila Pieralli Scandicci | IT
Touching is a state of the existing, it has to do with the life of the forms and the possibility they have to find the measure, to place the bodies in space.
TOCCARE the White Dance through its choreographic concepts intends to put in action an aesthetic experience capable of revealing the potential of touching as a gesture for establishing a world, the simple intimacy of a radical open feeling. This record of the touch is to be considered in the sphere of a thought in which the singular-plural of a being is the prominent line of the existence, knowing we are always already open to the other within the internal as much as the external.
To touch the other means to touch all the possible others, including oneself, including the insensible in the sensible, it means to rethink radically the nature of being and time. Touching in this sense is intended as the infinite exposition of a subject into the world. To be here side by side in an absolute composition of the bodies with no return to oneself, touching the extension and extending the emotion in a simultaneity which coincides with the existence in itself. Bodies touching and in so doing becoming flesh, but it’s a detached touch, it’s a gesture of touching without dominion, enchanted in an ecstatic interlude which includes all of the looks.
Not to exert all the power that we dispose of, means to activate a grip without possession. To defuse the tyranny of a body colonized by the eternal profit, means to exercise oneself at a movement which is contagiously and joyful alive. The reactivation of an erotic body written off from the hyper-sexualized narcissism which builds architectures of isolation, is a political problem but is above all a common responsibility without calculus we all share with human and non human objects, it’s an aesthetic dimension putting us in contact with the fullness of nothingness at the core of matter and with the sensual qualities of a world that is not anymore Mondo, for an ecology without return.