CRISOL – creative processes


September 14, 2024 19:30

External space of Teatro José Luis Perales Cuenca | ES

as part of La Noche del Patrimonio

After a residency process lasting several months in Cuba, Spain and Italy, as part of the CRISOL – creative processes project, and after a tour in Bologna, Ravenna and Florence, El resto del naufragio arrives in Spain.

This ambitious collaborative project brings together the Spanish choreographer Roberto Olivan, the Italian musician Pino Basile and the young Cuban artists Chamely de la Caridad Hernández Baquet, dance, and Olber Viquillón Rodríguez, music, with the aim of exploring cultural synergies and merging the essences of their rich traditions. The resulting fusion opens up new creative possibilities, always respecting the cultural context of origin and contributing to a contemporary and enriching interpretation of the tradition of each place.

The main interest of El resto del naufragio is not in exploring cultural incompatibilities, but in focusing on the contrast and convergence of these traditions. An approach that adds a wealth of nuances and allows for new interpretative possibilities. In a globalized context, cultural differences overlap and stratify, creating levels that offer multiple readings and experiences.

A fundamental aspect of El resto del naufragio is the interaction with local communities during the research, creation and representation phases.
Through meetings and workshops, as occurred during the creative process in Cuba, the project encourages exchange and permeability between different human sensibilities, further enriching the artistic experience.
El resto del naufragio does not intend to provide definitive answers, but rather to offer multiple interpretations and readings. In this artistic and human journey, the absolute truth does not exist, but the intention is to bring to light as many perspectives as possible.

concept and choreography: Roberto Olivan
original musical composition: Pino Basile featuring Olber Viquillon Rodriguez
interpreted by Roberto Olivan and Chamely De La Caridad Hernandez Baquet
live music: Pino Basile
assistant: Martí Castellarnau
executive production: Nuria Marti
planning and coordination: Lorenzo Pappagallo
This co-creation and production process is promoted by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, Asociación Hermanos Saiz (Cuba), ROPA / Roberto Olivan Performing Arts | L’Obrador Espacio de Creación (Spain), Danza Urbana (Italy) and Menhir (Italy), partners of CRISOL, with the support of Escena Patrimonio – GCPHE and Italian Cultural Institute in Madrid, and the collaboration of AECID – Embajada de España en La Habana, Red de Oficinas del Historiador y del Conservador de las Ciudades Patrimoniales de Cuba Habana Espacios Creativos, ATER Fondazione.

photo: Roberto Sanz Alvarez, detail

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