Trilok Gurtu | Aly Keita


July 21, 2024 21:30

Chiostro Grande di Santa Maria Novella Firenze | IT

At the Chiostro Grande di Santa Maria Novella, in collaboration with Florence Dance Festival, two ancient cultures – Indian and Malian – are represented by two great masters of percussion: Trilok Gurtu and Aly Keita, protagonists of a concert in which they shine in the dimension of the solo, and find during the show the keys to a precious encounter .

Trilok Gurtu is one of the most important musicians in the world. He likes to define himself as a builder of musical “bridges” between different cultures. Born in Mumbai in 1951, he was introduced to music and tabla at a very young age by his mother Shobha Gurtu, a very famous Indian singer, known as ‘the queen of Thumri’. Internationally renowned percussionist, he has dedicated his life to exploring and fusing diverse musical traditions. His virtuosity extends to a wide range of percussion instruments from around the world, making him a true icon of world music.⁠

Born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, but hailing from Mali, Aly Keita has gained worldwide recognition for his mastery of the balafon, which he has been playing since childhood. He connects musical worlds with impressive virtuosity. He wanders between spectacular African rhythm, polyphony and jazz elements, and combines them to create a wonderful and unique sound world. His collaborations include musicians such as Joe Zawinul, Pharoah Sanders, Jan Garbarek and Omar Sosa.

Among the projects of Fondazione Fabbrica Europa developed within the Estate Fiorentina and consolidated over time since 2010, starting from the relationship with the Festival au Désert of Essakane (Timbuktu), the Festival au Désert Firenze involves some of the most interesting musicians and groups on the international scene, great masters and young musicians who have established themselves thanks to an energy that dialogues with the mastery of sounds and rhythms of the traditions of origin.

in the photo: Aly Keita

Numbered seats
15€ / 13€ * / 10€ **
* Over 65; Arci, Unicoop Firenze, Controradio Club, Touring Club Italiano, Institut français, Lungarno, IREOS, Centro Pecci Prato cardholders, holders of tickets for exhibitions and Amici di Palazzo Strozzi
** University, Accademia delle Belle Arti, Conservatorio, IED, Polimoda students; students of schools with special agreements

Tickets still available on sale on Sunday 21 at the Chiostro Grande di Santa Maria Novella from 8.30pm

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