Generazioni a confronto

History, present and future scenarios

July 7, 2017 - July 9, 2017 17:00

Courtyard of Palazzo Comunale in San Gimignano | IT

Within Orizzonti Verticali, three meetings will be held with artists, cultural operators, critics and audience focusing on a general subject: the inter-generational comparison.
In the previous editions of the Festival the starting point for discussion was the 1966 Manifesto di Ivrea, a watershed for the recent theatre history, which has altered the balance and opened up new languages ​​and new prospects for a generation on the move.

Fifty years later, times have dramatically changed, languages ​​have melted, many things have happened, but the priorities remain the same: reorganization of the performing arts system, preservation of our history, opportunities for artistic development for young people, transformation, research.





















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