Giuseppe Muscarello


June 21, 2019 19:00

PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT

Two bodies into a specific limited space. They can go anywhere, but that same space is born for both, it exists for being shared. Nobody is the real owner.

Who is the other that lives my world and that, definitevely, lives also its own space?
Starting from the use of the possessive form, paradoxically we’ll get a perfect symmetry. We share something that we both own: other planet.

Kalsa is a symbolic district of Palermo. Still today is a symbol of coexistence and sharing. A stage which rapresent the world and carry us to look for the original point of interpersonal relationships.

A story entrusted to fluidity and to the dynamic of the movement. The narrative nature of the act is enough to make a body smart and aware that building walls is never an happy epilogue, cause the whole space that we live. also if huge, is limited and incontrovertibly shared.


by Giuseppe Muscarello
with Maria Stella Pitarresi and Giuseppe Muscarello
light design: Giuseppe Muscarello
stage costume: duerruote
in collaboration with Spazio Franco, Palermo; Festival Più Che Danza, Milano; Fabbrica Europa
production: PinDoc/Muxarte
with the support of Regione Sicilia – Mibac













reduced 8€ *

* over 65, under 18, Arci, UnicoopFirenze, Controradio Club, Touring Club Italiano, ACI Firenze, Institut français Florence, Carta Più / MultiPiù Feltrinelli, GenderBender Card, IREOS, Lungarno, Biblioteche Circuito SDIAF, Amici di Palazzo Strozzi cardholders, ATAF & Li-nea and Busitalia tickets and season tickets holders, Palazzo Strozzi exhibitions ticket holders; students of University, Polimoda, Accademia Belle Arti, IED, LABA Firenze, ISIA Firenze, dance schools with special agreements

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