

May 16, 2009 21:30

Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT

We cannot cure the sufferings of this world,
so we’ve decided to dance them.


The stage is empty, entirely white, limited on the background by a wall, a recurrent element in Taís Vieira and Paulo Azevedo’s scenographies, with this meaning: ” the brutality of social apartheid ruling in our cities to this day”.
After Raio X (X ray, 2003, based on the penal system) and before Medo (Fear, 2009, played by female actors), Febre – second part of a trilogy on violence – unrolls its problematic on a symbolic mode: if the scene today seems deserted, or cleansed, it hasn’t been totally evacuated.
The music (a collage of classical and popular Brazilian sonorities), the lights and the video, dramatical transmitters of Febre, remind us that the body can suffer many types of physical shocks, sometimes more muffled.
Violence can be induced by hidden strength relations that structure our society, and therefore it’s the physical strength that drives the actors of Membros, young dancers issued from the Center of Integrated Studies on the Hip Hop Movement
On stage, their brutal and convulsive dance, does nothing to mask the damage of which they are the revolted victims. Therefore, there is no fatalism in Febre: ” We have decided to break up with the idea that violence is innate. Our dance proves that other ways can exist”.
Their alternative? A style of Hip Hop that keeps its eyes wide open on the world, to other forms of language (contemporary, popular, …). A dance that suddenly becomes a dialog between two cultures. A political art that reminds us that in order to cure the body, fever rises as a physical response to infection. The ultimate agitation before everything comes back to normal.


Membros is a Hip Hop dance company founded in 1999 by Taís Vieira, choregraph, and Paulo Azevedo, instructor and Phd in Political Science, in Macaé (180 km of Rio de Janeiro). It is in this town, with the country’s highest homicide rate, where the atypical project was born: to unite ten youngsters from various backgrounds and cultural horizons, with no previous contact with dance, in order to bet on another perspective of life, to participate in an experience with the objective to form a professional dance company. The present actors of Membros were involved during many demonstrations that Taís Vieira and Paulo Azevedo were organizing then in colleges. Once having become professionals, they now transmit their passion, their reflexions and their knowledge within CiemH2, Center of Integrated Studies on the Hip Hop Movement in Macaé. Since 2004, the company has benefited from creative residences around Europe, notably at l’Estruch (Creation Center in Sabadell, Spain). In both Brazil and Europe it participates in debates, juries, and offers many workshops and masterclass.


artistic directors: Paulo Azevedo and Taís Vieira
choreographer: Tais Vieira
performers: Jean Gomes, Jhosie García, Zanzibar Vicentino, João Carlos Silva, Luiz Henrique, Julius Mack, Rogério Araújo, Fabiana Costa
sound designer: Paulo Azevedo
music: Bach, Chico Buarque, Faccai Central, Jorge Aragao, extraits de Funky
lighting creation: José Martins
technical management: Lionel Henry
production/distribution: Marine Budin
production assistant: Florence Naze
Membros is part of the CIEM H2 – Centro Integrado de Estudios del Movimiento HipHop in Macaé/Rio de Janeiro
production/management: Marine Budin – El Climamola
co-production: Les Rencontres de la Villette–Parc de la Villette (Paris) and Festival Grec Barcelona / Mercat de les Flors
residency: Centre de creació Ca l’Estruch – Ajuntament de Sabadell
with the support of IDEE – Culture 2000 Union Européenne; MINC (Ministerio de Cultura do Brasil) / Fondo Nacional de Cultura












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