May 14, 2017 19:00
Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT
There is something contagious in the beauty of a gesture which indulges into casualty and sticks to the charme, a seduction without redemption, the terrific intensity of a mystery producing itself. Substance absorbing the space, time becoming wider, expanding perception, the air around the things, that special terse and profound silence designing the surface as the profoundness. It is like the old tree appearing in front of you, you can feel its life, but you don’t know how to talk about it or describing it. The allure of silence and of the not comprehensible but present, in between the terror and the safeness. Life and death, death and life. The nature doesn’t exist, what exist it’s the expression and the intensity of a gesture which repeats its own movement and its own nutrition and its own rest as a meditation, with closed eyes, without looking at itself.
In this time of my existence, it seems to me the only thing left to do is to let go all that is not necessary at the touch of the world. Trying to indulge in the instinct, the not visible. Giving form to all those forces continuously transforming an act, that equanimous principle ruling the universal law of nature.
All is here Sun Ra !