

May 18, 2014 21:00

Teatro Cantiere Florida di Firenze | IT

Robinson’s island has always been a place for our idea of the ‘exotic’, an undefined projective process of fears and desires, which nowadays deals with the increase of two opposite global streams: migrations and holidays. Robinson can be seen as a tourist but also as a refugee, eager to manage the rules of the society he is going to suit.
But unlike the protagonist of Defoe’s tale, our Robinson looses himself into the landscape with no aim at reproducing the path of Western society; he enters a metamorphic zone until the encounter with the Other leads him to a total reinvention of the self. That’s what happens in Michel Tournier’s book Friday or the other island.

Choreography can be seen as an act of learning towards the outside world: it is the language of the encounter with the other, a place where different projects and different reactions exist to produce a single dance, as a tale of destinations rather than origins. What Robinson seems to tell us is that Otherness can really structure a world.


Established in 1999 in Rome, mk moves along an autonomous and auto-poietical research line, focusing on body research, choereography and sound matter. Soon engaged by distinctive international festivals for new dance and theatre, mk is considered as one of the most interesting research ensemble of the Italian scene. It performed at Santarcangelo International Festival, Montpellier Danse – Italian platform, Gulbenkian Foundation Lisbon, TRAFO House of Contemporary Arts Budapest, La Porta Barcelona, IIC and Kitazawa Town Hall Tokyo, Tanzfabrik Berlin…
Among the most recent productions Instruction series, Around the world in 80 days (with guests from William Forsythe Company) and Grand Tour.
Michele Di Stefano received the Silver Lion for innovation at the 2014 Dance Biennale of Venice.
with Philippe Barbut, Biagio Caravano, Saverio Cavaliere,
Marta Ciappina, Andrea Dionisi, Laura Scarpini
choreography: Michele Di Stefano
music: Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch
set and images: Luca Trevisani
light design: Roberto Cafaggini
stage assistant: Davide Clementi
management: Anna Damiani
promotion: PAV/Diagonale artistica
web Biagio Caravano
production: mk 2014, Teatro di Roma
in collaboration with Comune di Montalto di Castro and ATCL
supported by MiBACT
[photo: Luca Trevisani]
Duration: 55m

full price 15€
reduced price 12€
students 10€

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