Sa prière

Malika Djardi

June 5, 2015 19:30

Le Murate Progetti Arte Contemporanea | IT

within the International showcase of young choreographers

The origin of this solo lies in the Islamic faith of Malika Djardi’s mother and her practice of prayer. The two women have a conversation and their recorded voices produce a documentary-style sound. Through this entirely natural and intimate intervention, a range of topics is explored, from holy considerations to other more secular ones. Slices of life are delivered involving the personal and the family, contributing to the universal.
This material carefully put together by the choreographer moves away from the words to its own arranged musicality, offering the dancer material for movement as the words are spoken and in the silence in between.
Sa Prière is also a moving reflection on ritual action of the kind found in practising a belief or in the dancer’s discipline.

At 20:30, after the end of the performance,
Meeting with the young choreographers
introduced by Valentina Gensini
moderator: Gerarda Ventura


by and with: Malika Djardi
voice off: Marie-Bernadette Philippon
music: We found love, Rihanna feat Calvin Harris, Tres Morillas, Jordi Savall
sound creation: Benoit Pelé
dramaturgical consultant: Youness Anzane
set design: Malika Djardi and Florian Leduc
light design: Florian Leduc and Rémi Chevillard
co-production: Charleroi Danses, Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
residencies and support: Skite Caen, Atelier de Paris – Carolyn Carlson – Afterskite,
Rhizome Lyon, Charleroi Danses, Centre national de la danse Lyon
supported also by Institut français Italia
thanks to: Benoit Pelé, Jean-Marc Adolphe, Centre national de la danse Lyon
Programme in collaboration with Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis
The show is part of La Francia in Scena, the new artistic season of the Institut français Italia.
The event is an initiative of the French Embassy in Italy and is organized by the Institut français Italy, with the support of the Institut français and the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, the Ministry of Education and Research – High Artistic, Musical and Choreutic Education, the European Commission, The Fondation Nouveaux Mécènes, the Sacem and the partners Il Gioco del Lotto and Edison.
The evening, beginning at 19:00,
also includes
by Claudia Catarzi

Limited seats
Reservation required
Tel. 055 2638480

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