Silvia Bolognesi | Fonterossa Open Orchestra


September 6, 2021 19:00

Giardino Istituto Agrario di Firenze | IT

A journey into the music of Charles Mingus, told and directed by the double bass player Silvia Bolognesi and the sound of her Fonterossa Open Orchestra.

Fonterossa Open Orchestra is a large ensemble made up of 33 elements including professional and non-professional musicians. The project develops from the workshops dedicated to improvisation and the study of “unconventional” scores that the composer, arranger and double bass player has held since 2016.
The initial objective of the orchestra was to involve emerging musicians, with particular attention to students of music schools and conservatories, creating a shared space dedicated to experimentation and the search for a collective sound based on the use of “conduction”, a system of signs and gestures used to construct a real-time musical arrangement or composition.


Fonterossa Open Orchestra: Susanna Ossola Michela Lombardi, Linda Palazzuolo, Aurora Loffredo, Emiliano Nigi, Carlotta Vettori, Mauro Rolfini, Rita Cottardo, Stive Lunardi, Emanuele Parrini, Virginia Banti, Martina Benifei, Francesco Zaccanti, Francesco Arrighi, Mariangela Tandoi, Daniela Caroli, Eugenio Stella, Elena Maestrini, Sigi Bear, Alessandro Froli, Tobia Bondesan, Alessandro Deiana, Giorgio Gatto, Chiara Martelli, Francesco Salmaso, Filippo Ceccarini, Marco Calcaprina, Pee Wee Durante, Chiara Lazzerini, Tony Cattano, Daniele Paoletti, Griffin Rodriguez, Sergio Bolognesi
direction: Silvia Bolognesi
production: Fabbrica Europa
in co-production with Pisa Jazz


[photo: Marco Benvenuti]











full price 7€
reduced price 5€ *

* Over 65, under 18; Arci, Unicoop Firenze, Controradio Club, Touring Club Italiano, Lungarno, IREOS, Centro Pecci Prato, Amici di Palazzo Strozzi card holders; University, Accademia di Belle Arti, IED, Polimoda students; students of dance schools with special agreements

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