Workshop | Chiara Bersani


September 14, 2024 10:00

PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT

date: Sat September 14, 2024
time: 10:00 – 13:00
where: PARC · Piazzale delle Cascine 4/5/7, Firenze
who it is for: all those interested in movement, professionals and beginners – the workshop is accessible to people with motor disabilities
how to apply: by sending an email to
application deadline: Thu September 12, 2024
cost: free
language: Italian


As part of the SOTTOBOSCO project, the artist and choreographer Chiara Bersani, together with the musician and sound designer Lemmo, leads a workshop that starts from the “abandoned materials” – intuitions, possibilities and desires – that were touched upon during the research but then put aside.
How many other paths could our SOTTOBOSCO have taken?
One in particular that speaks of wild dance and free bodies will be reopened during the workshop.

Chiara Bersani is an Italian performer and author active in the field of performing arts, research theater and contemporary dance.
As an interpreter and as a director/choreographer moves through different languages and visions.
Her works, presented in international circuits, are born as creations in dialogue with spaces of different nature and are mainly aimed at a “neighbor” to the scene. Her research as an interpreter and author is based on the concept of the “Political Body” and the creation of practices aimed at training its presence and action.
The “manifesto” work of this research is Gentle Unicorn, a performance included in the Aerowaves platform.
In 2018, for the rigor in embodying this study she was awarded the UBU Award for best new actress / performer under 35.
In August 2019, during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Gentle Unicorn won the first prize in the dance category of the Total Theater Awards.

photo: Alice Brazzit

Free activity

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