Workshop | María Del Mar Suárez, La Chachi


September 27, 2024 10:00

PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT

date: Fri September 27, 2024
time: 10:00 – 12:00
where: PARC · Piazzale delle Cascine 4/5/7, Florence
who it is for: anyone who experiments with movement
how to apply: by sending an email to
application deadline: Wed September 25, 2024
cost: free
language: English / Spanish


Participants will immerse themselves in the flamenco universe to bring out everything they carry inside.

In choral formation all will enter the rhythm with tangos, clapping and vocal voice and jaleos, dancing it from the minimum impulse to its maximum expression. How do we dance flamenco on the floor, and on the wall?

To finish participants will do a simple and fun choreography where they will reflect everything that has been practiced.

Comfortable clothing and flamenco accessories (shawl, fan, skirt, flowers) are required.

La Chachi has earned her place in the tradition of breaking down and reassessing flamenco, following the path of other outsiders like El Niño de Elche, Israel Galván and Rocío Molina. An actress and dancer, she graduated in both disciplines in Malaga, her hometown. After specialising in flamenco with “La Lupi”, training in physical theatre, new dramaturgy and contemporary dance, she discovered her true passion: the union of all these disciplines. La Chachi is not a new arrival because she has been twisting the traditional flamenco language since 2008 to fit it to her unique style, where hybridisation is the norm.

Free activity

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