Workshop | Sergio R. Suárez


September 26, 2024 10:00

PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT

date: Thu September 26, 2024
time: 10:00 – 14:00
where: PARC · Piazzale delle Cascine 4/5/7, Florence
who it is for: anyone interested in movement and gender identity, regardless of their previous dance experience or age
how to apply: by sending an email to
application deadline: Tue September 24, 2024
cost: free
language: English / Spanish


Body, Gender, and Movement offers the opportunity to deepen the understanding and practice of dance from a gender perspective. The intention of Sergio R. Suárez is not to demonstrate to others what bodies can do, bu to pose possibilities and ways to know body more deeply, moving it with full freedom and translating this into an honest and affectionate artistic practice.

The workshop is structured around a practical session focused on the exploration and
deconstruction of movement and includes warm-up and body awareness, group discussion on various issues related to gender, identity and expression, deconstruction and reconstruction of movement, guided improvisations.

Sergio RSuárez. Graduated in Spanish Dance from the Royal Professional Dance Conservatory ‘Mariemma’, with a Superior Degree in Choreography of Spanish Dance and Flamenco from the Superior Dance Conservatory ‘María de Ávila,’ and a Master’s degree in LGBTIQ+ Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid, culminating in a performative investigation on the construction of representation codes in the language of Spanish dance and flamenco concerning gender. Currently pursuing a Master in Cultural Management from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Additionally, invited by the Cultural Management Master’s program at Carlos III University to lead a session on sex-gender dissidences and various LGBTIQ+ issues in the sociocultural realm. Since 2021, a member of the Cultural Association La Basal.

photo: Lukasz Michalak, detail

Free activity

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