Fabbrica Europa 2018

XXV edition
May 4  – June 10, 2018
Florence, Stazione Leopolda other spaces

Retracing our steps towards the essence: from the Far East to Europe, passing through the Middle East and the cultures that cross the Balkans and Eastern Europe and flow into that open Mediterranean which linked the Arab world to the Berber traditions and reached the heart of creative and philosophical Western thought.

Fabbrica Europa’s twenty-fifth anniversary, experienced not as a celebration but as Year Zero for the start of a new breath of creativity, sought in a palpitating essence to be perceived and captured in order to extract its vitality, its pulse, its meaning.

The bare Stazione Leopolda rediscovered, its space becomes a body that springs to life and takes on the creative signs and actions of our times, eclectic and ever more polymorphous. Not the Leopolda alone: the Festival also inhabits the old Scuderie Granducali delle Cascine, a decidedly unconventional space, stimulating and versatile, lending itself to various stage formats. And yet again Fabbrica Europa involves important Florentine theatres (from the Teatro Goldoni and the Teatro della Pergola to the Teatro Cantiere Florida), consolidating its position as the city’s multi-disciplinary Festival.

Here all the PROGRAMME.



president Tuccio Francesco Guicciardini
honorary president Luca Dini
vice-presidents Marina Bistolfi, Andrés Morte Terés
board members Raimondo Arcolai, Francesco Piccione, Simonetta Repetto, Giulio Stumpo



artistic direction Maurizia Settembri and Maurizio Busìa
production direction Isabella Valoriani
press office Simona Nordera
projects editing and web content Vittoria Colotti
promotion Marco Cerchierini
production Elisa Godani, Alice Chiari, Simona Capristo
logistics Sara Arfanotti
training Marina Bistolfi
Platform/workshops coordination Tiziano Massaroni
administration Paola Tattini, Evelyne Bonazza
boxoffice Ilaria Baldo, Simonetta Schiano
info point Layla Dari
technical direction Paolo Pollo Rodighiero
technical project Carlo Carbone
lighting manager Alessandro Ruggiero / technical staff Luisa Giusti, Orso Casprini, Jason Lizzo, Giacomo Ungari, Viviana Rella, Tommaso Maltoni, Davide Clementi, Gabriele Buonomo, Giovanni Macis, Massimo Michelotti, Marcello Amore, Matteo Ciardi, Thomas Chinnery, Roberto Settembri
collaborations Francesca Cecconi, Michela Petricone, Tanita Spang, Violetta Marchionne, Marco Iazzetta, Francesca Kezich, Marta Di Nisio, Alessia Galassi, Giada Mancini, Giovanni Corsini, Tommaso Ciaranfi, Alexander Corciulo, Michela Badiali, Alessandro Da San Martino, Annabella Dal Canto, Michele Giunta, Matilde Niccolai, Jiyeon Park
graphic layout Marina Giaccio with Margherita Marzocchini
web Open Lab
distribution Paolo Felicetti



With the support of

Regione toscana   Comune Firenze    logo_MIBACT   Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio

In collaboration with

Maggio Musicale Fiorentino      Teatro della Toscana
IF_BlocMarque_ITALIA_def       rosso      ccdc
novo spellbound  VERSILIADANZA
Teatro Cantiere Florida     logo_LE MURATE    Logo_MUSE
     medarte 1         medarte 2
Firenze dei Bambini       Israel70 vector file
Anghiari Dance Hub music pool Tempo Reale-logo Network  download
  Florence Queer Festival      logo SOUL KITCHEN kw logo-def-cen


LOGHI UNICOOP FIRENZE Busitalia copy        Logo-trenitalia
ataf logo CONTRORADIO LOGO la feltrinelli Informacittà
Firenze Spettacolo    Lungarno   arcifirenze-logo   logo-tci
logo SDIAF logo_UNIFI 2

Technical partners

logo WATT STUDIO logo OMIKRON_nero  logo dsb  BP Team
Esseti_Logo copy 2 alfea-logo GIELLESISTEMI

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