
Mosè Risaliti

May 10, 2016 20:00

Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT

The queen bee is the unique mother of her people and has the attributes of the two genders.

The beehive acts as a unique organism, a unique body formed by multiple bodies; as a body, dark inside but strictly linked to the light for its mechanisms. Bodies that move in space according to wave patterns.

The swarm that populates it consists of individuals, which live in a matriarchal society highly organized.

The dance of the bees is the process of secret codification used by them to exchange information about the world out of the beehive.

Dancer as the wave front.

Which is the limit between movement and communication?

2BEE is a research on the perception of movement.


During his heterogeneous education Mosè Risaliti has studied contact improvisation, yoga, floorwork in Italy and abroad, with Alessandro Certini and Charlotte Zerbey, Julyen Hamilton, Katie Duck, David Zambrano, Francesca Della Monica.
He has collaborated with the Living Theatre Europe, Kinkaleri, Fosca, VoetVolk, A2Company, Parolin.
In 2011 with Eva Sgrò and the street artist Moallaseconda he founded Collettivo Kirillov.
They produced the pieces Cammelli Polari, Chi cade di testa si alza in piedi!, OZIO.
He has also collaborated with the goup Attivisti della Danza, in Florence, since its foundation. Currently he is one of the choreographers of the project Anghiari Dance Hub.


concept and choreography: Mosè Risaliti
dance: Sara Campinoti, Lucrezia Palandri
scenography: Eva Sgrò
sound: Tommaso Fattori, Moallaseconda
lights: Marco Santambrogio
residencies: TheaterHausMitte. Berlin, LeMurate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea, Spazio Seme, Il Vivaio del Malcantone
production: Fosca 2016 with the support of MIBACT – Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, Regione Toscana, in collaboration with Institut français Firenze, Kinkaleri/Spazio K, Il Vivaio del Malcantone
realized with the support of Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea, Kilowatt Festival
promoted and supported by Anghiari Dance Hub
[photo: Antonio Viscido]
The ticket also includes the shows by Giovanna Rovedo, Tommaso Monza and Francesco Michele Laterza scheduled on the same evening.

Online pre-sale
and at Boxoffice sale points

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