Andrea Dore


September 23, 2020 19:00

PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT

There is an unknown and contracted area in which a body moves. In this space we act and undergo action, we leave space for gravity, for fall, accepting fragility and inertia with the constant desire to move forward.

The line of memory deforms and strikes the presence of the superstructures that contain its gestures. By changing levels and planes we can redefine a place where the void left by the body is a labyrinth of consciousness.


Andrea Dore is a dancer and performer. Born in 1987, he started his dance studies in Sassari. In 2017 he graduated in the Course Dancers and Choreographers of the Civica Scuola of Teatro Paolo Grassi in Milan, with the patronage of Marinella Guatterini. He has studied with a variety of choreographers, Enzo Cosimi, Paola Lattanzi, Alessandro Certini, Charlotte Zerbey, Masaki Iwana, Maria Consagra, Cristina  Rizzo.
In 2019 he participated in Anghiari Dance Hub with the project Underground.Roof.


choreography: Andrea Dore
performer: Lidia Luciani
music: Pierre Oser, Xiu Xiu
scenes and technical support: Stefan Schweitzer
production: Anghiari Dance Hub 2019


[photo: Alessandra Stanghini]














reduced 5€ *
* to know the reductions go to the Tickets page

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or at PARC (P.le delle Cascine 7, Florence) Tue>Sun h18:00-20:00

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