Archivio Zeta


May 16, 2009 19:00

Osservatorio di Arcetri | IT

within Cantieri Teatrali per Fabbrica Europa


Il Sistema del mondo is the second part of the three-year project Uomo/Techne, a reflection on three moments in the relations between man and technology, a journey into the evolution of science, a pathway replete with enthusiasms, conquests, violence, trials, abjurations, repentances, secrets, perspectives and utopias, a project already started in 2008 with the first show, Prometeo Incatenato.
2009 is the International Year of Astronomy and of celebrations for the four-hundredth anniversary of Galileo Galilei’s use of the telescope in astronomy. Il Sistema del Mondo highlights the shift to the sun-centred concept of the world, Copernicus’s elaboration of his System and its experimental verification thanks to the invention of the telescope.
The show is divided into three parts and the texts making up the dramaturgy are Giacomo Leopardi’s moral operetta Il Copernico, passages from Sidereus Nuncius, some pieces from the Dialogue of the Maximum Systems by Galileo, the Proceedings of the Trial against Galileo Galilei of 1633 and the Dialogo sul satellite by Italo Calvino.
This material, used to make up the three parts of the show (Copernico – Galileo – Calvino) are linked together by an underground thread that runs through Italian literature from 1600 to the present day: thoughts on cosmology, astronomy and philosophy in the form of dialogue.
The whole project has been carried out in collaboration with INAF, National Institute of Astrophysics, and the show will be staged in the Astronomical Observatories of Arcetri (Florence) and Loiano (Bologna).


Archivio Zeta was set up in 1999 by Gianluca Guidotti and Enrica Sangiovanni. The name is highly significant since the artistic research of the company is on archives and human memory. The opponents of the regime of the Colonels in Greece used to write on the walls: “Zeta – is alive” when a resistance fighter was killed. Since ’99 the company has been carrying out intense activity in the field of theatrical research and has put on a great number of shows, frequently set in non-conventional sites. The company also works on documentary cinema and has produced, among others, “Viaggio nella Notte” (2003), a documentary on the life of Elie Wiesel; “Mario Luzi – Incontro a Pienza” (2004), an interview with the Florentine poet in Pienza.


theatrical project directed by Gianluca Guidotti and Enrica Sangiovanni
with Franco Belli (Copernicus), Enrica Sangiovanni (Sun), Andrea Sangiovanni (The First Hour and the Last Hour), Luciano Ardiccioni (Galileo Galilei), Alfredo Puccetti (Notary, Sagredus), Gianluca Guidotti (Father Inquisitor)
texts from Il Copernico by Giacomo Leopardi, Sidereus Nuncius, Dialogue of the Maximum Systems by Galileo Galilei, Proceedings of the Trial against Galileo Galilei, Dialogo sul satellite by Italo Calvino
in collaboration with: Festival Fabbrica Europa 2009, the Municipality of Loiano (BO), INAF – the National Institute of Astrophysics, the Astronomical Observatory of Loiano (BO), the Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri (FI), SOFOS – Association for the divulgation of the sciences, and the Mediateca of San Lazzaro (BO)












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