compagnia tardito/rendina


October 1, 2023 21:00

Teatro Cantiere Florida di Firenze | IT

A subjective about the character Sonja, a journey which takes place between the written pages of the play Uncle Vanja by Anton Cechov.
The scene evokes the world of a woman, with delicate and blue motions of the soul and unrequited love.

The character, stopping on the threshold of the narrative, takes distance from it to get close to the inner dimension, giving voice to the invisible part. To let emerge the unknown wonder of the unexpressed.

Sonja is a work of great corporeal poetry, an “out of date” and necessary theatre dance work. An “outdated” use in the Agambenian sense, for the philosopher it defines the quality of what is more authentically contemporary, which means, capable of being in one’s own time, yet capable of distancing himself from it. The body of Federica Tardito, thanks also to the careful and sensitive gaze of Aldo Rendina, is inhabited by one of the most interesting figures of Cechov’s universe. Federica embodies it, letting herself be crossed by the essence of the character, and we can see Sonja acquiring reality through a precise, rigorous and poetic body score. A very well-kept, discreet dance, never didactic, full of expressivity, deep meanings, psychological nuances, shared memories, which gives us the privilege of fixing it in our memory and welcoming it in our emotions”.
– Alessandro Pontremoli, Performing Arts Professor, University of Turin

Federica Tardito and Aldo Rendina both come from theater and contemporary dance experiences.
From a closeness and an attendance of a common feeling the tardito/rendina company was born with the interest to carry on a poetic aimed to deepening and experiencing the pleasure of observing ourselves dramatic and surprising ourselves ridicule.
Their the most significant shows include Gonzago’s Rose, Circhio Lume, “Oh Heaven” (Il Paradiso possibile), Il Compito.
They also have collaborated with Stefano Cenci and Dimensioni Parallele to the project Del Bene, Del Male, with Senza Confini di Pelle to the realization of Add Up> Connecting Rosarno and to the realization of Sparsi, a collective performance for sound painter, dancers and live musicians.
In parallel with the work on stage the company conducts a pedagogical activity with the aim of deepening and pass down tools that allow students to make progress in the training.

by and with Federica Tardito
creation support: Aldo Rendina
light design: Lucia Manghi
soundscape: Aldo Rendina
music consultancy: Michele Anelli
projected image: Pietro Bologna
costumes: Monica di Pasqua
production: compagnia tardito/rendina
coproduction: Sosta Palmizi and Arbalete
with the support of Europa Teatri, Zerogrammi Company and Arte in Movimento
Winning project Call AiR – Artists in Residency 2020 by Lavanderia a Vapore

The show is part of the Florence Art Week 2023 programme (September 28 – October 8).

photo: Michela Di Savino













13€ / 10€ * / 8€ **

* Over 65; Arci, Unicoop Firenze, Controradio Club, Touring Club Italiano, Lungarno, IREOS, Centro Pecci Prato cardholders, holders of tickets for exhibitions and Amici di Palazzo Strozzi
** University, Accademia Belle Arti, IED, Polimoda students; students of dance schools with special agreements

online at
and at Boxoffice sale points

Tickets are also purchasable at
PARC, P.le delle Cascine 7, Florence
Tue > Sun h 5pm-7pm

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