Olimpia Fortuni | Katatonic Silentio

X Research residency

October 18, 2023 - October 22, 2023

Pablo Bermudez Studio Manila | PH

A residency in Manila for the choreographer and dancer Olimpia Fortuni and the sound artist and performer Katatonic Silentio as part of the CRISOL – creative processes project.

The residency is a cultural exchange with Manila-based artist Pablo Bermudez, who investigates the utilization of costumes and video art format merging with the movement and the sound performed by Olimpia Fortuni and Katatonic Silentio in their work X.

The output of this research will be presented in the form of an installation/performance on October 20, 2023 at the 1f Projects art space in Manila.

X is a complex compositional study that combines sound, movement, natural and artificial architecture that is inspired by the shamanic tradition; it is a performance that is continuously changing thanks to the margin of non-definition that allows constant research.

Olimpia Fortuni, dancer and choreographer, graduated from the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi in Milan and from the two-year “Scritture per la danza contemporanea” directed by Raffaella Giordano. Since 2014, she has embarked on her own path as a choreographer, presenting her creations at numerous festivals in Italy and abroad. An associate artist of Sosta Palmizi and interpreter of the works of established choreographers such as Ambra Senatore, her research is based on the study of time as a quality of movement and the observation of the relationship between man, nature and animal. Her most recent creation is X made in collaboration with sound artist Katatonic Silentio.
Sound artist, live performer and researcher in media studies and performing arts, Katatonic Silentio explores the fields of electronic and experimental music with a personal approach to sound design, publishing on numerous national and international labels and performing in spaces and festivals throughout Europe. As an independent researcher her practice moves between sound and performing arts. Her deep interest in cultural insights, combined with a strong passion for music, has led her to approach the world of sound with a sociological and anthropological methodology. She is collaborating with Olimpia Fortuni on X.
Pablo Bermudez is a Colombian artist who works in Manila. In his research he mainly deals with post-production of images, digital processing, assembly of mass media material. In recent years his work has focused on social networks.
@art_fabrique on Instagram, created with Marlo Montoya, is an artistic project focused on communication, Guerrilla Marketing and the theory of six degrees of separation, according to which any person on the planet can be connected to any other person through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries.

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