Diary of a Madman

Alexander Balanescu / Marius Manole / Felix Alexa

May 16, 2014 21:00

Teatro Cantiere Florida di Firenze | IT

The Diary of a Madman is an unique performance, in which humour and drama blend together along with madness, which creates parallel worlds, taking over the main character’s mind, tormented by sadness and frustration.

When loneliness and lack of perspective end up tormenting us, the only posibility of escape the hostile reality is the imaginaton. This way we can builld a new universe, in which everything is possible and the limit between the real world and the made-up world becomes almost unnoticeable.

Felix Alexa created in this performance a dialogue between music and the extreme emotional states of the famous gogolian character interpreted by the most important Romanian actor of the young generation, Marius Manole, acompanied by a composer and violonist of great virtuosity, Alexander Balanescu.

Diary of a Madman is an insight into the fascinating and complex world of madness. A performance about frailty and extreme emotional states.


by Nikolaj Vasil’evic Gogol
directed by Felix Alexa
with: Marius Manole and Alexander Balanescu
music: Alexander Balanescu
set and costumes: Diana Ruxandra Ion
stage version and lighting design: Felix Alexa
production: ArCuB Bucharest
[photo: Maria Stefanescu]

Duration: 1h e 30m
In original language
with Italian subtitles

full price 15€
reduced price 12€
students 10€

Online presale on
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