Enzo Cosimi


September 19, 2020 21:00

PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT

I love my sister by Enzo Cosimi is an investigation on the transsexuality of bodies that reinvent unchartered modes of inhabiting the physical, urban and social space, paying the price of an inflicted invisibility that relegates their stories to the margins.
I love my sister speaks about persons in transition FtoM, that is, transsexuals from female to male. Stories that reverberate new landscapes of the human soul.

“…to celebrate this secular mass of beauty … to transform this story of suffering into a strong assertion of militancy”.
Stefano Tomassini, Art Tribune, December 2018


concept, direction, choreography: Enzo Cosimi
video direction: Stefano Galanti
video dramaturgy: Stefano Galanti, Enzo Cosimi
texts: Egon Botteghi and Enzo Cosimi
lighting design: Giovanni Magnarelli
performer: Egon Botteghi
live video: Stefano Galanti
organization: Anita Bartolini
production: Compagnia Enzo Cosimi, MiBACT
with contributions from Armunia, within the project supporting residences of “ResiDance XL – luoghi e progetti di residenza per creazioni coreografiche” by Rete Anticorpi XL – Network Giovane Danza D’autore coordinated by L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino
and with support in residence of Teatro Vascello di Roma
The show is part of the trilogy Ode alla Bellezza – 3 creazioni sulla diversità
2018 production










reduced 10€ *
Still some tickets available at PARC (P.le delle Cascine 7, Florence) from h18:00
* to know the reductions go to the Tickets page

A self-declaration will be required to access the event venue. Click here to print the form to fill out.

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