Fabio Novembrini | Roberta Racis

DIORAMA Residency

January 14, 2022 - January 21, 2022 00:00

PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT

As part of the CRISOL – creative processes project, promoted by a network of Italian and international organizations, and before the residencies scheduled in Singapore and Macao next spring, Fabio Novembrini and Roberta Racis are at PARC to work on their project Diorama.


Diorama is an exercise in political imagination, a practice of redefining and reconstructing the biological body through a sabotage of gender construction processes and a deconstruction of the dominant codes of representation without renouncing it.
The practice we propose creates a visual device, reconsidering the space of representation and the ways of accessing it.
A series of non-linear unfolding landscapes rethink corporeality and binarism to make room for the multiple. Starting from the assumption that the body is never completely natural but is the result of a stratification of elements and cultural representations, the trompe l’oeil created with the filmed body, acted out and put into relation with other bodies in a choreographic score proposes alternative body dramaturgies to traditional representation in which visualisation is a form of control and visual communication an omnipotent engine of the relationship between individual and social structures, between private and public space.

The diorama is a small-scale reproduction of a realistic and dynamic set that recreates various settings: natural habitats, scenes from everyday life, mythological events, real or imaginary scenarios in which to place different types of subjects. The term diorama has Greek origins and means “to look through”. In the practice that we propose, the diorama consists of a series of landscapes created with the help of a series of videos that are projected. The body in video constantly interacts with the body in presence.

– Fabio Novembrini, Roberta Racis













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