@ Teatro Mecenate Arezzo
Fragilefrana stages remnant tales of an unwritten novel.
A visual narration takes place in a non-linear space-time where characters undergo a process of crumbling and upheaval. They appear, disappear, weave invisible relationships, leave trails, echo one another and outline a world holding onto the ground…which probably only exists when we close our eyes.
The focus is on the possibility of life between the cracks. This crumbled existence takes the shape of broken, cracked bodies whose characters get their strength from their fragility.
concept: Eleonora Chiocchini
with Eleonora Chiocchini, Daria Menichetti, Chiara Michelini
light design: Andrea Margarolo
sound and video: GDeSIGN
scenery: Lucia Ortiz Oshiro, Mario Sirchio
costumes: Franca Di Lorenzo, Rita Petrone
Eleonora Chiocchini / ArtistiAssociati Sosta Palmizi
with the support of MiBAC, Dipartimento dello Spettacolo and Regione Toscana, Settore Spettacolo
co-production: Fabbrica Europa, Napoli Fringe Festival with the support of Associazione Dance Gallery, Perugia; Teatro San Materno, Ascona; Teatro Solomeo – Fondazione Cucinelli, Perugia
Project winning the call Created in Umbria, realized by the Municipality of Terni,
Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria, Associazione Demetra, Associazione Indisciplinarte and Fast Festival within Creatività Giovanile promoted and supported by Dipartimento della Gioventù – Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri and Anci – Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani
Winner of e45 Napoli Fringe Festival verso il 2013