May 13, 2023 - May 19, 2023
PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT
Fabbrica Europa hosts the choreographer Francesco Marilungo for a residency at PARC with his new choreographic work Stuporosa.
Stuporosa takes as a reference the essay Morte e pianto rituale by Ernesto De Martino to carry out a choreographic research on the so-called ‘crying without a soul’, on the figure of the lamenter. The title of the project is a quote from De Martino: hebetude is stuporosa, that state of catatonia that can manifest itself in the individual attempt to overcome mourning and which contrasts with the paroxysmal explosion of destructive/self-destructive gestures. According to the Neapolitan scholar, these two are the possible reactions to the crisis of grief for the loss of a loved one and both forms are an expression of the unconscious tendency to want to share the fate of the dead.
The institute of the funeral lament does not cancel the crisis of grief but allows you to experience it by subjecting it to a cultural discipline that takes the form of the creation of verbal, melodic and mimic modules, the repetition of which allows you to relive the pain, the pathos but in a protected form.
Francesco Marilungo’s choreographic work will focus on the identification of practices that implement the process of mimesis of pain and its stylization. The two extreme poles to strive for will be stuporous immobility on the one hand and violent gestures on the other, poles corresponding to the two forms of the crisis of grief.
The focus of the work will also be the power dynamics that exist between the individual and society within a ritual context; ways in which emotional excesses are controlled through commonly recognized forms of expression and institutionalized forms.
Another parameter that will be examined is the concept of rhythmic repetition. In ritual crying, the obsessive repetition of modules are aimed at attenuating the presence of wakefulness to facilitate the fall into a sort of ecstasy – a state that gives access to ‘time out of time’, where there is the heritage of words, movements, of sounds that mediate the symbolic transfiguration of human death.