May 11, 2018 22:00

Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT

Inverno (Winter) is the first stage of the new production project of Giardino Chiuso, a research on the Seasons of Nature, in parallel with the seasons of life, a topic dear to artists of all times.
Seasons mark our daily life with their certain rhythm, somehow reassuring. This continuous flow, so lively and present in our lives, involves us in an anthropological reflection on the cyclicality, progress and perception of time.

The narrative path of the show focuses on the expectation, on the forced stasis, where the matter of cold spreads in an impalpable way. In winter the landscape seems to stop while all that is around us continues its incessant flow. Every little change is reflected in a silvery, bright, but at the same time gloomy scenario.
The metaphor between the human existence and the Winter of our time, whether it is the inevitable end of the life cycle or the time of passage to another condition, creates contrasts between the frosty, arid and desolate vision and an atmosphere of rest and intimacy, which projects us onto a common destiny of immobility, of misty places of the soul.
Nature continues its flow and the winter ends up announcing an imminent metamorphosis.

The original music compositions of Julia Kent, with their cyclical structure, give substance to the the passing of a time that comes back, with sounds, sometimes delicate and suspended, sometimes extreme and lively, that together with the scenic elements and the projection of images contribute to the creation.


choreography: Patrizia de Bari
original music: Julia Kent
dance: Françoise Parlanti
dramaturgy: Tuccio Guicciardini
scenic elements and video: pupillaquadra
lights: Mario Mambro
production assistant: Jenifer Zugg˜ò
co-production: Compagnia Giardino Chiuso / Orizzonti Verticali – Arti sceniche in cantiere, Fabbrica Europa


[photo: Francesca Di Giuseppe]











reduced 10€
students 8€

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