La Scena Muta


May 28, 2011 22:00

Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT

Il Disordine delle Arti arises from the initiative of Tuscan artists with the aim to add a new dimension to their artistic reality by knitting together the experiences of artists from different backgrounds.
Il Disordine delle Arti – Fabbrica Europa 1994


Seventeen years later in Florence, a group of musicians felt the strong desire to find again a common space to experiment mix, contamination and meeting between people.
La Scena Muta arose from the need to rebuild in Florence a tissue where musicians or just music lovers can have the possibility to know each other, to play together and to develop shared projects.
A place where they can be part of an artistic community that feels the strong need to express and communicate through art and music, sharing experiences.
La Scena Muta is a collective of collectives (among them, Martinicca Boison, Train de Vie, Pippo e i suoi Pinguini Polari…), a community of musicians, solo singers, bands and performers, who mix themselves on the occasion of specific events to give life to music collectives and to create an opportunity to go out from his own specificity and know different music dimensions.


















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