Marek Hemmann


May 12, 2017 23:00

Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT

Rather than waste words, Marek Hemmann has always preferred to let his music speak for itself. Groovy House, minimalist Techno, sonic sensitivity and an unbridled joy in melody unite to speak of restless days and magical nights, tearing holes in the cloud cover and carrying sun beams to the deepest cellar. However camera-shy Marek Hemmann may be – he always risks something in his tracks.

Over the years, Marek Hemmann has written countless musical treasures into the repertoire and more than earned the moniker „unique”. He makes space and sound accessible to people by crafting it in his own way, and remains above all the explorer of a genre in which he and his music are long-anchored, but never stagnant.

Today Marek Hemmann lives in Berlin and from there tours the clubs and festivals of the world. Like his studio productions, his live shows direct the focus first and foremost to the floor, but are always augmented by a very particular, musically sensitive ease. A sound not only difficult to resist, but which tells us more about Marek Hemmann than words ever could.


in collaboration with Butterfly Effect









10€ early bird (till April 26)
12€ pre-sale reduction (from April 27 to May 12)
15€ (May 12 at Stazione Leopolda boxoffice)

at Boxoffice sale points

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