Meeting 11.19


November 18, 2019 - November 20, 2019 10:00

PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT

A meeting among dancers conceived by Maria Vittoria FeltreSara SguottiNicola Simone Cisternino and hosted by PARC Performing Arts Research Centre.

Meeting 11.19 è il secondo di una serie di incontri che mirano a favorire lo scambio di informazioni tra danzatori attivi nel territorio toscano.
L’incontro è strutturato in tre giorni di pratiche, dal 18 al 20 novembre. Queste classi saranno seguite da talk durante i quali si potranno scambiare informazioni e opinioni sulle attività che si svolgeranno in ambito artistico toscano durante l’anno.
Meeting 11.19 è un tentativo di aggregazione per cercare di creare nuove sinergie.

Meeting 11.19 is the second in a series of meetings that aim to encourage the exchange of information between dancers active in the Tuscan territory.
The meeting is structured in three days of practices, from November 18 to 20. These classes are followed by talks during which information and opinions can be exchanged on the activities that will take place in the Tuscan artistic sphere during the year.
Meeting 11.19 is an attempt to try to create new synergies.



November 18 – November 19 – November 20
h 10:00 – 12:00: class
h 12:00 – 13:00: talk

November 18
h 20:00 – 22:00: cocktail and DJ Set at PARC Bistrò


A min. donation of min. 5 euro is required to attend the classes.
Please, confirm your participation to, specifying the activities you wish to attend.











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