
Fabrizio Favale / Le Supplici

May 9, 2015 21:00

Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT

This choreographic work starts from the observation of those particular phenomena that we find in nature, where the forms are, so to speak, incomplete, or give rise to other forms before they have reached what we expected.
On this path moves Ossidiana, a work structured in to something hybrid, unexpected and morphologically unusual: like obsidian, where the crystal will not ever supervene.
It is from this mineral point of view, this simultaneity, where everyone is busy to trigger and defuse all things, that each time the works fades into pure choreographic material, in live electronics in concert, in disguises with sands of the Eyjafjallajökull.


concept and choreography: Fabrizio Favale
music and live electronics: Daniela Cattivelli
dancers: Daniele Bianco, Vincenzo Cappuccio, Martina Danieli, Andrea Del Bianco,
Fabrizio Favale, Francesco Leone, Stefano Roveda, Davide Valrosso
masks of volcanic sand of the Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, September 2014 by Fabrizio Favale and Alberto Trebbi
actions of friction of stones from the Appennines, smoking masks and dressing of dancers by Andrea Del Bianco and Fabrizio Favale
supported by MIBACT and Regione Emilia-Romagna
in collaboration with Ater Danza and AtelierSì


[photo: Alfredo Anceschi]
Duration: 45 min


Online pre-sale
and at Boxoffice sale points

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