Samuele Cardini | Marina Giovannini


May 10, 2009 21:00

Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT

Full. Empty. Pause.
Five movements and a constant duality: full-empty, female-male, form-substance, light-shadow.
Elements of the double that meet each other in a place that is as imaginary or as concrete as a dawn in Tokyo during a sunset in Rome.
A Paradise, perhaps. Time suspended to listen to the reverberation of a dance inside one’s body, to seize another opportunity by changing one’s point of view.
Movements are composed and improvised, they are created then they disappear, leaving only what is visible of the dance itself and what becomes a metaphor of life. A reflection on the beginning and the end, emblem of male and female.
Four dancers move, driven by the force of their search for a ring-bridge between opposites, a pause: perfect conjunction between the interior and the exterior, between substance and spirit.
The composition of the movements is accompanied by choreographies of light that enlarge the horizon between the high and the low, the overhead and the underneath.
Samuele Cardini and Marina Giovannini


Samuele Cardini (Carmignano, 1974), dancer, choreographer and teacher, entered the young Opus Ballet Company in 1997, where he collaborated with Fabrizio Monteverde and Patrick King. In 1999 he became a full-time member of the Virgilio Sieni Company, where he also collaborated on choreographies such as Empty Space, Requiem, winner of the 2004 Ubu award. For a number of years he has held laboratories and seminars and has organised professional training courses for young dancers (Open Space, Luogo Comune). In 2000 he started out on a personal choreographic route, collaborating with a number of young Italian companies; among his works: May Day May Day Veleno Sterile, Perpetuo, Alcune Mie Cosette. In 2007 he won the HOME07 residency prize organised by Scenario and Steptext, with the Me Myself & I project. In the same year, in collaboration with Marina Giovannini, he created the Studi per Luogo Comune project, winner of the Premio Equilibrio Roma 2008. In 2008 he began to collaborate, as a dancer, with Fabrizio Favale’s Compagnia Le Supplici.
Marina Giovannini (Florence, 1971) won a scholarship in 1988 for the IV Specialisation Course of the Romolo Valli Theatre of Reggio Emilia. The following year she became part of Balletto di Toscana where she interpreted the creations of neoclassic and contemporary choreographers, among others Hans Van Manen, Ed Wubbe, Niels Christe, Angelin Preljocaj, Fabrizio Monteverde, Virgilio Sieni and Mauro Bigonzetti, and she took part in Rai’s musical film “La Luna Incantata” (Palmares at Cannes 1992). In 1992 she started her long collaboration with the Virgilio Sieni Company and took part in the creation of shows focusing constant research on body language. She was Virgilio Sieni’s assistant in his creations for the corps du ballet of the San Carlo Theatre in Naples, the Massimo Theatre in Palermo and La Scala in Milan, and in the planning of Empty Space, Requiem (2004 Ubu award). Since 2006 she has been collaborating with dancer and choreographer Fabrizio Favale within the Mahabharata project and with Letizia Renzini on visual art projects and performances. She created and interpreted the choreographies for Renzini’s La Bambola di Carne, a 2008 Venice Biennale Dance production. For years she has taught in the training sector. In 2007 she started working with the dancer and choreographer Samuele Cardini.


by Samuele Cardini and Marina Giovannini
with Leone Barilli, Samuele Cardini, Martina Gregori, Marina Giovannini
lights: Paolo Pollo Rodighiero
audio project: Samuele Cardini, Marina Giovannini
optimisation and collaboration: Squamo
communication: Francesca d’Apolito
production: Fondazione Musica per Roma, CAB 008



















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