Sergio R. Suárez / La Basal


September 26, 2024 19:00

PARC Performing Arts Research Centre Firenze | IT

as part of Fabbrica Europa 2024

I move from the need to break away from normativity, to drag the hegemonic towards the margins.
Because it is time to collectivize in our pain and in our rage, to stop questioning our identities and start questioning what surrounds us; to use the body convincingly as a tool of expression, and not just of execution; to forget neutrality and operate from empathy; to abandon the idea of equality and visualize a huge embrace of our differences, which, however, do not become a reason for discrimination.
That’s why I contemplate myself. That’s why I question myself.
That’s why, La Revisión.

– Sergio R. Suárez

Sergio R. Suárez. Graduated in Spanish Dance from the Royal Professional Dance Conservatory ‘Mariemma’, with a Superior Degree in Choreography of Spanish Dance and Flamenco from the Superior Dance Conservatory ‘María de Ávila,’ and a Master’s degree in LGBTIQ+ Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid, culminating in a performative investigation on the construction of representation codes in the language of Spanish dance and flamenco concerning gender. Currently pursuing a Master’s in Cultural Management from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Additionally, invited by the Cultural Management Master’s program at Carlos III University to lead a session on sex-gender dissidences and various LGBTIQ+ issues in the sociocultural realm. Since 2021, a member of the Cultural Association La Basal.

director, choreography, dancer: Sergio R. Suárez
light and sound: Mauricio Pérez Fayos
costume design: Paloma de Alba, Guillermo Espinosa
set design: Alicia Gómez Quirantes
production and communication: La Basal
video: Brut Unité
This project is supported by the Youth Institute (Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030), the Choreographic Center Canal, Nave 73, the Bucles Circuit Festival, Mostra Viva del Mediterrani Festival
and by a grant from Acción Cultural Española (AC/E).

photo: Lukasz Michalak











13€ / 10€ * / 8€ **

The ticket also includes Lemmy B by Nunzia Picciallo.

* Over 65; Arci, Unicoop Firenze, Controradio Club, Touring Club Italiano, Institut français, Lungarno, IREOS, Centro Pecci Prato cardholders, holders of tickets for exhibitions and Amici di Palazzo Strozzi, Autolinee Toscane season tickets holders, Unifi staff and teachers
** University, Accademia delle Belle Arti, Conservatorio, IED, Polimoda students; students of schools with special agreements

online at
and at Boxoffice sale points
Prices do not include pre-sale fees and commissions.

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