within the Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls project
A meeting with Silvia Calderoni, Ilenia Caleo and part of the working group of The present is not enough [first glimpse]
An immersion in the New York Piers of the 80s, spaces of cruising and artistic invention, in the work of David Wojnarowicz and other artists, in the utopias of bodies that make possible futures gleam: a sharing of dramaturgical materials gathered for The present is not enough [first glimpse], the new work by Silvia Calderoni and Ilenia Caleo (Tenax Theatre, Florence, 26 – 27 October).
Oltre le mura / Beyond the walls is a project by Fondazione Fabbrica Europa aimed at activating some of the Florence peripheral contexts through performative actions at an international and local level that focus on the concepts of “body”, “sound”, “environment”,“community ”.
The project is part of

[foto: Rebecca Lena]