
Benoît Lachambre / Par B.L.eux

May 11, 2013 21:00

Stazione Leopolda di Firenze | IT

Ten years ago, Benoît Lachambre presented his first ‘fake’ choreographic solo. He’s now back with Snakeskins, a multimedia and poly-sensorial performance. For his new creation, Benoît Lachambre has chosen a reptilian metaphor. Snakeskins, inevitably, is about molting, with an emphasis on the result and decomposition over time.

This solo (or once more this ‘fake’ solo, because he is accompanied on stage by the dancer Daniele Albanese and the musician/multi-instrumentalist Hahn Rowe) offers the choreographer the opportunity to point sharpen the strong lines of his work and reposition his approach in the present. To update this very inside inner, process, very organic process, the choreographer imagines a structure in perpective which that creates a leak point of emanation in space, clings on to it and plays upon weights dispersionsthe distribution of weight. The body undulates, surrenders, and is transformed by minute alterations of on symmetry and balance. There are multiple
Variations and amplitudes of movements are multiples. With Snakeskins, Benoît Lachambre gives opens himself up as never before, making his own skin a surface of resistance to any formatted ideas.


created and performed by Benoît Lachambre
music composed and performed live by Hahn Rowe
with the participation of Daniele Albanese
scenography: Benoît Lachambre, Philippe Dupeyroux and Yves Godin
photography: Christine Rose Di Vito
lighting: Yves Godin
costumes and props: Alexandra Bertaut
artistic collaboration: Daniele Albanese, Hanna Hedman
technical director: Johannes Sundrop
stage manager : Erwan Masseron
production: Par B.L.eux, Montréal
coproduction: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels; PACT Zollverein – Choreographisches Zentrum NRW, Essen; Atelier de Paris-Carolyn Carlson and CDC Paris Réseau/centre de développement chorégraphique, SNDO, Amsterdam; La Bâtie – Festival de Genève; Musée de La Danse / Centre Chorégraphique National de Rennes et de Bretagne, Rennes
with the support of the Théâtre de la Bastille, Paris, the city of Paris – residency program at the Cité internationale des Arts
and the special contribution of the Stalk company, Parma
Duration: 60m

full price 15 €
reduced price 12 €
special price 10 €

at sale points
Boxoffice Toscana

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