
Alvis Hermanis / The New Riga Theatre

May 12, 2013 19:00

Teatro Cantiere Florida di Firenze | IT

“There was a person and there isn’t a person any more. Only the name has remained – Sonja…”
Tatiana Tolstaya

Based on a short story by Tatiana Tolstaya Sonja is an impressionistic miniature about a lonely woman, whose fate has played a mean trick on her, which at the same time has become the biggest happiness of her life.
Sonja is a little dense, a little ugly, a little lonely. But she does have some talents: she is an excellent cook and seamstress, and is great at getting on people’s nerves. Then one day she receives a love letter, passionate and serious, and Sonja’s heart is aflame. Little does she realize that the letter was written by the evil friend Ada. This letter changes Sonja’s life for ever.
The space and authenticity of the environment plays a big role in this staging, and it is achieved by using real things and antiques. It is very significant as the world of things and belongings tells most about a human being.
Hermanis wrote “The character created by Tatiana Tolstaya combines huge contrasts: ugly appearance and very sensitive inner world, hard life and delicate sole. I have entrusted a male actor [the multi-awarded Gundars Abolinš] to reveal these opposite poles. It is not an aim in itself – to turn into a woman. This is more the issue of understanding a woman. We are not playing a woman, we are trying to create a female image, character and tell about her soul. I doubt whether a soul can have a gender.”


director: Alvis Hermanis
actors: Gundars Abolinš and Jevgenijs Isajevs
designer: Kristine Jurjane
sound: Andris Jarans
light: Arturs Skujinš-Meijinš
stage manager: Linda Zaharova
photo:Gints Mālderis
production: The New Riga Theatre
In original language
with subtitles in Italian
Duration: 1h40

full price 15 €
reduced price 12 €


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