
Irene Russolillo

June 12, 2016 18:30

Botanical Garden Florence | IT

Within the project Secret Florence


In the greenhouse of the Florence Botanical Garden, the dance of Irene Russolillo meets the music by Emanuele Parrini, violin, and Alice Chiari, cello.

Starting from some physical and vocal themes of the last solo of the dancer, The Speech, presented at Fabbrica Europa, TODAY is an improvised trialogue that creeps into the nature of the garden and offers a new perspective for listening and watching a stream of muscular thinking, chaotic and sensual.


Dancer, performer-actress and choreographer, Irene Russolillo has studied ballet, contemporary dance, physical theatre and contact improvisation. Since 2007 she has worked as a dancer with Micha Van Hoecke, Roberto Castello, Mario Piazza, Daniela Capacci, Harry Albert, Claudio Bernardo, Francesca La Cava, Abbondanza – Bertoni, Erdem Gunduz. As a choreographer, she is part of ALDES, an association of artists and cultural operators, based in Tuscany and directed by Roberto Castello.
She is co-author of Antipasto (finalist Nuove Sensibilità 2010 – Naples and winner Young Station 3 – Prato) and author of Ebollizione (finalist GD’A Puglia 2012 competition for Young choreographers), Strascichi (winner Premio Outlet 2014) and A loan, co-produced by festivals Inequilibrio/Castiglioncello and Oriente Occidente/Rovereto. In 2014 she has been awarded the Best Performer Prize Equilibrio Roma and Best Performer Prize in 19Masdanza International Contemporary Dance Festival of Canary Islands. In 2015, together with Davide Calvaresi, she has been awarded Premio Prospettiva Danza in Padua, with the work Map. In September 2016 she will be artist in residence at the Italian Cultural Institute of Paris, within the project “Le promesse dell’arte” that promotes young Italian artists in France.

choreography and dance: Irene Russolilo
with Alice Chiari – cello, Emanuele Parrini – violin


Secret Florence‘s core mission of the project is to enhance the attractiveness of the city during the opening week of Pitti Immagine Uomo.
This is achieved through an innovational and high quality artistic proposal intended for a young, international audience interested in unveiling the connections between contemporary artistic languages and the extraordinary historical heritage of Florence.

Secret Florence is produced and promoted the Municipality of Florence with the support of Pitti Immagine and involves a number of Florentine organizations and institutions that work at the international level and represent a plurality of artistic expressions ranging from music to dance, from visual arts to the cinema : Fondazione Fabbrica Europa, Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea, Lo Schermo dell’Arte Film Festival, Museo Marino Marini, Museo Novecento, Tempo Reale – Centro di ricerca, produzione e didattica musicale, Virgilio Sieni – Centro di produzione sui linguaggi del corpo e della danza.

Download HERE the whole programme.

Secret Florence is part of Fiere Pitti Immagine 2016 Special Programme promoted by Centro di Firenze per la Moda Italiana and realized with the support of Mise (Ministry of Economic Development) and Agenzia Ice as part of the project in support of Italian fairs and ‘Made in Italy’.


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[photo: Ilaria Costanzo]



The event is free.
To access the Botanical Garden
there is a a € 3 ticket to pay

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