YoY Performing Arts


September 20, 2023 20:00

Manifattura Tabacchi B11 Firenze | IT

within Mappe del Nuovo Mondo

INESORABILMENTEUNAVIA, inspired by the Bizhan Bassiri’s video installation “Il Bisonte”, is the representation of the undisciplined inexorable path of nature that regenerates itself without ever ceasing its course.
Everything seems to stop in front of the appearance of the artwork: an apparition of a cosmic dimension that conquers the space creating a powerful energy charge.

The form turns itself in pure energy , there is no beginning and there is no end.
A journey that capture the eye, in search of continuous associations and symbols that alternate, repeat and move within a closed and hypnotic cycle.
An inexorable loop, made up of changes of speed and spatial designs, brings to the scene different perspectives that interact with each other searching an inner energy that leads to harmony.

The choreography proposes a path, placing itself as a decisive negation of the explosive and muscular expression of energy, often labile and passing, which does not represent true strength but only imbalance. In the performance, the loop of the movement becomes almost liturgical, tending towards the achievement of a spirituality that draws its inspiration from the idea of life force typical of the oriental philosophies.

INESORABLMENTEUNAVIA is a sort of exhortation to search for new balances.
The musical intervention has been realized with an aerophone, percussion, concrete sounds and the use of a granular synthesizer. These elements create a series of overlapping musical characters, a breath, a line that breaks down into polyphony and percussive elements on different rhythmical levels.

YoY Performing Arts is a young collective born in 2020, consisting of Emma Zani and Roberto Doveri (dancers and choreographers) and Timoteo Carbone (composer). A project that combines dance, music and contemporary art, in search of contamination and new forms of expression. YoY defines itself as a cultural organism with a common goal: to share ideas.

concept: YoY Performing Arts
choreography and performance: Emma Zani and Roberto Doveri
music: Timoteo Carbone
artwork: Bizhan Bassiri and Stefano Taglietti
costumes: HACHE Official
light design: Elisabetta Maniga
production: Anghiari Dance Hub
co-production: Fabbrica Europa
in collaboration with Meccaniche della Meraviglia

Mappe del Nuovo Mondo (Maps of the New World) is a platform focusing on the new performing arts scene which shows creative processes and outcomes of young artists and international protagonists who work with body languages, music, sound, new technologies and interaction with the public, experimenting new practices and site-specific formats.

photo: Nicolò Brunelli










10€ / 8€ * / 5€ **

* Over 65; Arci, Unicoop Firenze, Controradio Club, Touring Club Italiano, Lungarno, IREOS, Centro Pecci Prato cardholders, holders of tickets for exhibitions and Amici di Palazzo Strozzi
** University, Accademia Belle Arti, IED, Polimoda students; students of dance schools with special agreements

online at ticketone.it
and at Boxoffice sale points

Tickets are also purchasable at
PARC, P.le delle Cascine 7, Florence
Tue > Sun h 5pm-7pm

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