Fabbrica Europa 2022
29th edition
September 2 – 25
Florence | Tuscany
One of the main lines of this 29th edition of the Fabbrica Europa Festival is linked to the intertwining of cultures and languages, countries of origin and countries of choice, tradition and research, a human and artistic mix that represents our present.
A widespread and articulated programme designed for investigating the creative processes of a community of artists from Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia.
Here the full PROGRAMME
president Tuccio Francesco Guicciardini
honorary president Luca Dini
vice-presidents Marina Bistolfi, Andrés Morte Terés
board members Raimondo Arcolai, Monica Barni, Isabelle Mallez, Francesco Piccione, Giulio Stumpo
auditor Roberto Giacinti
artistic direction Maurizia Settembri e Maurizio Busia
production Elisa Godani, Simona Capristo, Alice Chiari
press office Simona Nordera
editing and web content Vittoria Colotti
communication Elena Conti
promotion Marco Cerchierini
social media Simona Castoldi
PARC direction Isabella Valoriani
training Marina Bistolfi
administration Paola Tattini
infopoint and box office Clara Arlotti, Carlotta Oliva
technical direction Roberto Cafaggini
technical project Luciano D’Agostini
technical staff Amedeo Borelli, Cristiano Caria, Alex Carnevali (stage technicians), Sara Bonaccorso, Antonella Colella, Michele Forni, Luisa Giusti, Simone Mancini, Valeria Scozzafava, Cristina Setti, Gabriele Termine, Giacomo Ungari (light technicians), Gianluca Masala (sound engineer), Angelo Genova, Gherardo Monti (sound technicians), Rebecca Ihle (costumes), Roberto Settembri (PARC)
collaborations Alessandro Marzotto Levy, Giada Mancini, Maria Laura Caselli, Daniela Colaianni
trainees Rebecca Bardi, Sergi Brun, Cosette Finocchi, Sofia Tabarrani
graphic design Muttnik
video and photographs Rebecca Lena, Monia Pavoni
web Open Lab
Funded by
With the support of
In collaboration with
Technical partners
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