Fabbrica Europa 2024

31st edition
Florence, September 13 – October 12

Fabbrica Europa, with this 31st edition, continues to build a festival project with a strong multidisciplinary structure conceived as a moment of individual and community growth. A territory of arts and knowledge capable of creating traces that indicate possible and impossible routes, showing works that highlight a visceral relationship between forms and meanings, between rituality and contemporary thought.
Trajectories of thinking and imagining run through Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, the Middle East and reach as far as Asia. And on the other hand they open to the diasporas of Latin and black cultures between the Americas, from the political bodies of Brazil to the voices of Black Culture.
Towards the rediscovery of deep and creative words, ancient and future, and of new and unusual ways of expressing the concept of contemporary performing arts.

Here the full PROGRAMME


president Luca Dini
vice-president Marina Bistolfi
board members Barbara Giuntini, Federico Nocchi, Simone Siliani, Giulio Stumpo
financial controller Roberto Giacinti


artistic direction Maurizia Settembri, Maurizio Busia
international projects curators Lorenzo Pappagallo, Fabrizio Massini
production Elisa Godani, Simona Capristo music
press office Simona Nordera
editing and web content Vittoria Colotti
festival image Walter Sardonini
communication and marketing Marco Burchini
ticketing and promotion Marco Cerchierini
graphic design Antonio Locicero design
PARC direction Isabella Valoriani
administration Paola Tattini
logistics, info and boxoffice Caterina Sgarmiglia, Sara Verdolino, Anna Rymareva, Carlotta Oliva, Miriam Berchicci
technical project Luciano D’Agostini
safety manager Saverio Cona
technical direction Fabio Sajiz
technical vice-director Mattia Bagnoli
chief electrician Giacomo Ungari
stage technicians chief Maurizio Giornelli, Giovanni Macis
light technicians Carolina Agostini, Sara Bonaccorso, Giulia Broggi, Antonella Colella, Michele Forni, Luisa Giusti, Gabriele Termine
stage technicians Alex Carenevali, Ingo Koeller, Eva Sgrò
sound technicians Lorenzo Chiti audio/luci, Francesco Fròsini audio/luci, Pasquale Mariniello, Gianluca Màsala
dresser Chiara Fontanella
social media Gabriele Calbi, Davide Sibilia
videomakers Giulia Lenzi, Rebecca Lena
photographers Monia Pavoni, Giampaolo Becherini
web Open Lab
diffusion Paolo Felicetti

comune_firenze                 Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio

in collaboration with




technical partners

logo WATT STUDIO logo dsb  

in network with

CRISOL-creative processes   i-jazz

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